Settings may be easily changed or disabed in game if they do not suit Should provide a comfortable experience for almost all users. In the default mode, comfort ( or snap ) turning is enabled by default,Īnd artificial movement uses the Third Person mode. So Doom 3 BFGVR: Fully Possessed defaults to a comfort oriented mode.
No single controller configuration or comfort setting is going to accommodate all users equally, Many other improvements have been made, please see the readme.txt for a full feature list and documentation. Many aids to prevent motion sickness, including a new Third Person movement mode. Voice commands are supported - say a weapon name to select it!įlicksync mode based on Ready Player One. Teleportation is now supported, including a parabolic aiming beam. This is sizeable update with many new features and improvements.
To fix this issue, either use this console command before opening the load game menu, or exit the program and restart it:ĭoom 3 BFG VR: Fully Possessed V0.020 Alpha Known issue: After saving a game it might appear greyed out in the load game list and be unable to find it. "Fix" loading script objects of different sizes.Īdjust installer, Readme, and other docs for v 0.21 Alpha. Improve issue #103: Fix loading old savegames with different scripts.įix crash loading 020 save games, and allow old versions. Improve issue #27:Disable ASW and make it a menu. Issue #100 and Issue #106įix issues #113 and #27: Fix timing issues. 020 release, and for handling bugfixes and compiling this release while I was on vacationįix issue #107: use other hand for movement.įix issue #97: Fix talking waking monsters.įix issues 100 & 106: Change language detection to use sound files. Edit: Many many thanks to 2EyeGuy for all his hard work on the.